Monday, December 8, 2008

Club Penguin Christmas Party Seak Peek 08

WOW!!!! check it out! Heres a sneak peek of the new christmas party CP's 3rd!!! Woot!!! Looks pretty big so I cant wait Christmas it the best of all!!!!!!!!! So get ready for the christmas pary! P.S. Before Mimo777 AGAIN!!!!!

Thursday, December 4, 2008

New Treasure Book Items and More!!!

CHECK IT OUT!!!! Wow now you can be santa!!! that is soooooo awsome and guess what.... I got it on the internet before Mimo777 he thinks its coming tomarrow! Woot Woot!!! Ok well in other news coins for change begins Dec. 12th. Rockhopper said he would be here for it but I think he might be here tomarrow! so anyway it says that rockhopper is helping coins for change this year. The way I think it will happen is all or a percentage of all the coins you get on playing treasure hunt will go to coins for change! Cool right well see ya more. Udates on the new clothing catolog tomarrow. Bye!

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

New Treasure book Items and Limited Edition Santa Penguin and Elf Penguin Plush

Check it out some new Club Penguin Plush Toys are here! You can buy them on But there they are $150 all together, but you know that soon they will probavly have them in ToysRus and stuff so ya, can't wait til they come out for $10 at ToysRus.... Maybe... Hoping so... Bye...

Cheack it out the Club Penguin treasure book will update this friday! I think they will take out the halloween items and add the Christmas stuff. Well I hope so but also I wish there would be some new exclusives. Well thats it so SEE YA LATER!!!

New Mission Sneak Peek

Check it out theres a new mission coming soon! heres a sneak peek... I dont really get it, but thers G, jet pack guy, and rookie all there so I think it'll be pretty intresting... My guess is that G see's something do something to a puffle and then calls rookie and jetpack guy becuase jes mad! Ya pretty crazy, I know but it's kinda a good guess I think. lol......

Monday, December 1, 2008

December 2008 Sports Catolog Cheats

Check it out! There are new cheats for the Sports Catolog!First, the silver surfboard, to get it you must first click on the surfboard the green penguin is holding and turn it into the daisy snowboard, Next click on th seashell on the ground by the green penguins foot, last but not least you must click on the starfish under the surfboards... Now the silver surfboard shouls pop up. Well now you got it!!!
Next is the new Pommel Horse. To get it all you have to do is click the N in Sports Furniture. Well thats it for the cheats.... Woo Hoo! Now you know 2 new cheats!